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November 30, 2016



Heartfelt condolences from North America, where your beautiful writing sparked a good cry to start the day. What a lovely, and obviously well-deserved, tribute.

Caroline Barron

So moving, Paula. Especially, for reasons I can't explain, Tom's single poached egg xx

David Moody

The measure of a person's life is how much they are loved, respected, and missed after they are gone. Your father seems to have all three in enviable quantities.

May King

You did your Daddy proud Paula I read the beautiful tribute through my tears.

So many happy memories were flooding back I Recall his hearty laughter and
Deborah asking him to keep his voice down when we were in a restaurant and he
Was telling a tale.. A gentle giant we were proud to have shared his company
Will always be remembered with love and respect.May and Tom King.

Lone Kristensen

Very moving euology Paula. You did your dad proud that you not only wrote it, but also gave it yourself at his funeral - very very hard to do. He sounds like such a remarkable and lovely man. We're all thinking of you and sending our love. xx


Hello Paula. We are very sorry to hear about your father passing. He was a great, great man.
I wish my dad Ton would've spent more time with him but I guess they both had wives to keep them busy and time seems to pass so quickly when you have kids, as I am now realizing.
Thank you for coming to say goodbye to my mother Joy earlier this year. She always had great things to say about your mom and dad.
It was great to see your dad, Stephen your sister and yourself. You're welcoming e here in Georgia any time. Love [email protected]. Tony, Tina, Ethan, Ava and Liam.xoxoxoxoxo
PS: Get brother Stephen to connect with me anytime. This is the only contact I have for you guys.

Carl Pritzkat

Thank you for this, Paula.

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