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August 16, 2014



My dear P! Thinking of you and your family all those miles away from B and I. One never gets over the death of a loved one, only how to keep them in that special place in your heart and memory where they keep you company as the rest of your life carries one. Wishing you all well. Loads of love. Fee

Rob Plotz

What a wonderful tribute to a beautiful Mom. I particularly love the 1978 photo of the two of you with the matching hairdos - what a great memory to cherish. I'm so sorry for your loss, Paula, and am sending love and prayers your way from New York xoxoxo Rob

Barry Ahearn

Paula, August is a tough month. My mother died in August, as did (a random list): good King Wenceslaus, Andrew Marvell, Jules Laforgue, Robert Johnson, Babe Ruth, Elvis & Anita Loos. So... distinguished company. That memoir of your mother was touching and beautiful.
Peace be with you and the whole family.

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