As well as riding bikes everywhere, saying "Hej!" to people (who generally ignore us), and knowing that a TV commercial that begins with the word "slutspurt" is not saucy in any way, but is in fact promoting the final days of a washing-machine sale, TMiddy and I have embraced the Danish way of eating.
As proof, here is a sequence of photos depicting our lunch today, an actual (and delicious) Danish concoction of rye bread, butter, sliced new potatoes, mayonnaise, and crispy fried onions.
Yikes. But slutspurt is without equal.
Posted by: tracy | July 16, 2014 at 11:58 AM
Aphorism for the day: Illegitimi nil carborundum (don't let the illegitimate carbs grind you down). Or you will soon be a Danish.
Posted by: Trev | July 30, 2014 at 01:10 PM