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July 24, 2009


Dwynn Golden

Hello. Hope you are settling in to glasgow. guess you will have to change from cajun to indian take out. i am going to new orleans next week (first time)for a conference, sorry you will not be there. can you invite me to your old blog (katrina) i cannot access it. I really liked 'Ruined' by the way. take care, dwynn

Paula Morris

Dwynn - thanks for alerting me to the problem with the Katrina posts. Apparently, Babies Are Fireproof is now a private blog, and I can't get access either. I'm working with a friend to move the Katrina posts to a public blog, and will let you know when it happens.

So annoyed that you'll be in New Orleans without me! Let me know if you'd like some recommendations for places to go. Tell me where you're staying, as well.

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