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May 19, 2009



I really enjoyed the session with Tash, thanks!


Those tips are all really good ones Paula but I think you are too critical of your performance. My colleague thought your chairing was superb and has blogged as such http://cclblog.wordpress.com/2009/05/19/and-the-winners-are/.
Evidently the wine didn't impair you too much. Well done.


I have to say a huge thanks to you Paula, for being so helpful with the crowd management after one event you chaired. You offered to help me ( a festival volunteer) with the signing queue. I didn't see who you were, just glimpsed, from the corner of my eye,this angel appeared. I admit it -- I thought you were a publicist!
(In the meantime, the actual publicist was standing still, looking into the middle-distance.)
Big thanks to you!


I think the publicist vibe must be because you are lovely and always look put together, and you don't have that crazy-eyed, disheveled thing going on that so many writers either cultivate, because they think they should, or can't help, because they truly are a mess. See "monsieur chapeau," etc.

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